The root of the name Britannia
I think that I have solved Britain’s name in a clear way:
Britannia’s name comes from the goddess Brigid’s/Britt’s name. The famous British goddess’s name forms are interpreted differently in different languages. Despite this there is still a connection between them.
Pretanī (Britain in Ancient Greek, the land of pretty goddess)
pretty (adj.)
Middle English pratie “cunning, crafty, clever” (c. 1300 as a surname), from Old English prættig (West Saxon), pretti (Kentish), *prettig (Mercian) “cunning, skillful, artful, wily, astute,” from prætt, *prett “a trick, wile, craft,” from Proto-Germanic *pratt- (source also of Old Norse prettr “a trick,” prettugr “tricky;” Frisian pret, Middle Dutch perte, Dutch pret “trick, joke,” Dutch prettig “sportive, funny,” Flemish pertig “brisk, clever”), a word of unknown origin.
प्रीत्या indecl. prityA with joy
प्रीत्या ind. prityA gladly
प्रीत्या adverb prityA affectionately
It has been said that the earliest written reference to the British Isles derives from the works of the Greek explorer Pytheas of Massalia; later Greek writers such as Diodorus of Sicily and Strabo who quote Pytheas’ use of variants such as Πρεττανική (Prettanikē), “The Britannic [land, island]”, and nēsoi brettaniai, “Britannic islands”, with *Pretani being a Celtic word that might mean “the painted ones” or “the decorated ones”, referring to body decoration [of goddess]
The modern Welsh name for the island is (Ynys) Prydain. This may demonstrate that the original Common Brittonic form had initial P- not B- (which would give **Brydain) and -t- not -tt- (else **Prythain). This may be explained as containing a stem *prit- (Welsh pryd, Old Irish cruith; < Proto-Celtic *kwrit-), meaning “shape, form”, combined with an adjectival suffix. This leaves us with *Pritanī.
The name Britannia (Old French Bretaigne) is a Latinisation of the native Brittonic word for Great Britain, Pretanī, which also produced the Greek form Prettanike or Brettaniai. In the 2nd century, Roman Britannia came to be personified as a goddess, armed with a spear and shield and wearing a Corinthian helmet.
The root of the name Britannia occurs in Irish in the form of Birgita in recent times: Britannia can be identical to Birgitannia: “the land of strength or high goddess” in Irish:
How does Britannia’s name come from the name of the goddess Brigantia (Bridget, Brit):
Brigantia (Bridget) was a goddess in Celtic mythology (Gallo-Roman culture and Romano-British culture) known during Late Antiquity.
The Celtic tribe of brigands (fighters?) are named after Brigantia.
She is associated with the Irish goddess Brigid, the goddess of wisdom, literature, music and crafts, and thus with Saint Bridget.
Brigitte from Celtic (compare Gaelic brigh, Welsh bri “power”):
Power; Virtue
Meaning:Power; Virtue. Brigitte is a feminine name of French origin that means “power” or “virtue,” making it an excellent option for your awe-inspiring little one. It is a variation of the Irish Bridget derived from the word brígh. And Britt (Brit) is a short form of Brigitta.
The image of Britannia (/brɪˈtæniə/) is the national personification of Britain as a helmeted female warrior holding a trident and shield. An image first used by the Romans in classical antiquity, the Latin Britannia was the name variously applied to the British Isles, Great Britain, and the Roman province of Britain during the Roman Empire. Typically depicted reclining or seated with spear and shield since appearing thus on Roman coins of the 2nd century AD, the classical national allegory was revived in the early modern period. On coins of the pound sterling issued by Charles II of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Britannia appears with her shield bearing the Union Flag. To symbolise the Royal Navy’s victories, Britannia’s spear became the characteristic trident in 1797, and a helmet was added to the coinage in 1825.
By the 1st century BC, Britannia replaced Albion as the prevalent Latin name for the island of Great Britain. After the Roman conquest in 43 AD, Britannia came to refer to the Roman province that encompassed the southern two-thirds of the island (see Roman Britain). The remaining third of the island, known to the Romans as Caledonia, lay north of the River Forth in modern Scotland. It was intermittently but not permanently occupied by the Roman army. The name is a Latinisation of the native Brittonic word for Great Britain, Pretanī, which also produced the Greek form Prettanike or Brettaniai.
In the 2nd century, Roman Britannia came to be personified as a goddess, armed with a spear and shield and wearing a Corinthian helmet. When Roman Britain was divided into four provinces in 197 AD, two were called Britannia Superior (lit. ‘Upper Britain’) in the south and Britannia Inferior (lit. ‘Lower Britain’) to the north. The name Britannia long survived the end of Roman rule in Britain in the 5th century and yielded the name for the island in most European and various other languages, including the English Britain and the modern Welsh Prydain. In the 9th century the associated terms Bretwalda and Brytenwealda were applied to some Anglo-Saxon kings to assert a wider hegemony in Britain and hyperbolic inscriptions on coins and titles in charters often included the equivalent title rex Britanniae. However, when England was unified the title used was rex Angulsaxonum (‘king of the Anglo-Saxons’).
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